Feature selection in the setting of many irrelevant features

Andrew Y. Ng and Michael I. Jordan
University of California, Berkeley

We consider feature selection in the setting of many irrelevant features. We show that, using a certain prior, the sample
complexity of Bayesian feature selection---that is, the number of training examples needed to learn ``well''---grows only
\emph{logarithmically} in the number of irrelevant features. This means that, from an information theoretical point of
view, the algorithm can learn even in the presence of \emph{exponentially} many irrelevant features as training
examples. This result recovers the best know such rates proved in the frequentist setting (Littlestone, 1988; Kivinen
and Warmuth, 1994; Ng, 1998), and beats the standard wrapper approach (John et al., 1994) to feature selection. Experimental
results also show the method exhibiting very high tolerance to the presence of many irrelevant features.