WandaML Document Type Definition (DTD)

WandaML is an XML-based markup language to describe forensic data, which is composed of several subsections. The following table links to the various document type definitions and XML examples. A report describing the design of WandaML, its applications, and providing guidelines on how to use it can be found here. The reference manual, which is appended to the report, is also available on-line. See the table below.




File Extension


Scan profile

scan DTD (software doc)



Proper preprocessing

proper DTD (proper schema , white paper, bibTex)


System configuration and Communication

Server plugins

server_plugin DTD


Client plugins

client_plugin DTD


Features and Annotations


nicifeat DTD



writer DTD, script DTD, material DTD, content DTD

.writer.xml, .script.xml, .material.xml, .content.xml

Electronic Ink Storage

Wanda Ink XML

wink DTD


Wanda document

Document container (including pages, regions, filters, and annotations)

wandoc DTD



The documentation was generated using dtd2html, XMLSpy, and html2latex. Last revision June 24, 2003. Technical contact: Isabelle Guyon.