
Report for M.B.

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 Profile of features selected

Figure 1: Profile of features selected. (Click to enlarge). Legend: dcause=direct cause, deffect=direct effects, ocauses=other causes (indirect), oeffects=other effects (indirect), spouses=parent of a direct effect, orelatives=other relatives, unrelated=completely irrelevant

 Tscore performance of all entries

Figure 2: Tscore of all entries made as a function of entry order. (Click to enlarge). The dashed lines indicate the 25 and 50 percentiles.

 Fscore performance of all entries

Figure 3: Fscore of all entries made as a function of entry order. (Click to enlarge). The dashed lines indicate the 25 and 50 percentiles.


Fnum=number of features (*=sorted list, **=table of results. Fnum given for best Tscore if table of results submitted), Fscore=MB AUC, Tscore=AUC of test predictions; Top Ts=best score among all valid last entries made by participants. Max Ts=best score reachable, including reference entries using the knowledge of true causal relationships not available to participants.
* Entry Method Fnum Fscore Tscore (Ts) Top Ts Max Ts <Tscore> Rank
REGED0 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 122/999 * 0.8352 1.0000±0.0002 1.0000 1.0000
REGED1 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 122/999 * 0.7946 0.9980±0.0015 0.9980 0.9980 0.8462
REGED2 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 122/999 * 0.9910 0.5407±0.0061 0.8600 0.9534
SIDO0 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 1592/4932 * 0.6831 0.9297±0.0070 0.9443 0.9467
SIDO1 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 1592/4932 * 0.3922 0.6337±0.0132 0.7532 0.7893 0.7104
SIDO2 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 1592/4932 * 0.3922 0.5678±0.0129 0.6684 0.7674
CINA0 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 90/132 * 0.8913 0.9788±0.0029 0.9788 0.9788
CINA1 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 90/132 * 0.4542 0.8977±0.0043 0.8977 0.8977 0.8694
CINA2 321 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption" 90/132 * 0.4542 0.7318±0.0043 0.8157 0.8910
MARTI0 386 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption (F)" 22/1024 * 0.7097 0.9848±0.0031 0.9996 0.9996
MARTI1 386 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption (F)" 22/1024 * 0.6716 0.8891±0.0043 0.9470 0.9542 0.8869
MARTI2 386 "SNB(CMA), IID assumption (F)" 22/1024 * 0.9936 0.7868±0.0058 0.7975 0.8273

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